The Power of ONLY 1 DROP - 1 drop of Ditamin BabyVit D3 for healthy start

BabyVit Liquid Vitamin D3
100 IU Drops

  • BabyVit D3 100 IU Drops was specifically designed for infants to provide the recommended daily amount of vitamin D3 in one single, purified drop.
  • BabyVit D3 100 IU Drops is very easy to use and convenient.
  • The tiny drop can also be dropped directly onto foods or into liquids once the baby is older and begins to eat solid foods.
  • Prevention of rickets
    Full-term infants: 400 IU (=4 drop) daily in the first year of life.
    Preterm infants: 400-800 IU (=4-8 drops) daily in the first year of life.
  • Management of nutritional rickets and vitamin D deficiency
    1 month – 12 months: 1 ml (4,000 IU) daily of Ditamin BabyVit D3 100 IU for 2-3 months, then follow maintenance therapy advice
    1 year and older: 1.5 ml (6,000 IU) daily of Ditamin BabyVit D3 100 IU for 2-3 months, then follow maintenance therapy advice

Each drop contains
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 100 IU (2.5 mcg)

360 drops

Do not use if seal on bottle is broken.
Best Preserved between 15-25.
Keep out of reach of children.
Keep away from direct sunlight.

Why Supplement with Vitamin D?

Breast milk contains only 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D (Also known as the sunshine vitamin). Babies need vitamin D for healthy growth and development.

In particular, bones and teeth, require vitamin D to help with the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. Recent studies show that more vitamin D or sunshine during infancy is associated with the maintenance of good overall health.

Ditamin BabyVit D3 is a very easy to use and convenient!

Just one tasteless, colorless DROP

The power of Only 1 Drop

Ditamin BabyVit D3

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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 is a natural sourced, preservative-free supplement of vitamin D3.
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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 contains the sunshine vitamin in just one tasteless, colourless, odourless drop.
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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 contains no preservatives, no artificial flavours and no added colour.
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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 does not contain dairy egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast.
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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 is specifically designed for breast-fed babies.
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    Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 is Manufactured in Canada by an FDA & GMP-certified facility; guaranteed quality and potency.
1 drop of Ditamin Babyvit D3 for a healthy start

The Power of only 1 drop

Promotes calcium absorption and maintains adequate serum calcium for strong bones and teeth.

Prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults

Significantly reduces the risk of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) in winter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Vitamin D needed?

Vitamin D contributes to normal growth and development in children, is necessary for normal bone structure, maintenance of normal teeth and the immune system. Generally Vitamin D is produced by the body from exposure to sunlight. During winter, or if there are other factors that affect exposure to sunlight, it is unlikely that body will produce enough Vitamin D, which may lead to vitamin D deficiency. Because it is not recommended to expose infants to sunlight and it may also be difficult to receive sufficient Vitamin D from a normal diet, Vitamin D supplements for infants and children may be required. Other Vitamins such as Vitamin A and C, appear in a variety of foods and drinks, and it is likely that there is sufficient intake of these vitamins from numerous sources in a balanced diet.
Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops are suitable as a source of Vitamin D to assist in cases of Vitamin D deficiency or as an easy of way ensuring that your child is receiving regular Vitamin D. If you are unsure if this supplement is right for your child, contact your medical health professional.

How much Vitamin D is required?

The individual amount of Vitamin D required can vary on an individual basis, and actual requirements will be based on recommendations of your health professional. The minimum recommended Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D is 200IU per day from 0 – 18 years. To ensure that Vitamin D intake meets the AI, and to help prevent incidences of deficiency, each drop of Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops contains 100, 200, 400IU of Vitamin D3. The Upper Limit for Vitamin D is 1,000IU per day for infants 0 – 12 months. The Upper Level for Vitamin D is 3,200IU per day for children 1 – 18yrs.

How many Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops need to be taken?

How do I use Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops?

Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 Drops can be administered as a single drop directly to the child’s mouth or added to their food or drink.

Do the Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops contain lactose?

There’s no lactose in our Ditamin BabyVit Vitamin D3 drops.

Do they contain gluten?

No, they’re gluten-free.

BabyVit D3

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